Freddy Miller joins us today. Like many of our carnival operators, Miller’s Spectacular Shows out of Arkansas was hit particularly hard in 2020. But like a true ride operator, Miller is optimistic about the future and getting back out on the road in 2021.
Fair Game 302 - Rick Frenette, Fair Advantage
Rick Frenette has been involved in the fair industry since he was a kid. With over 30 years of management experience in the industry, Rick launched his consulting company, Fair Advantage. The company supports clients with all manner of project from contract negotiations to midway presentation, ticketing, entertainment and more.
Fair Game 301 - Devin Vaughn, Colorado State Fair
Fair Game 300 - Charva Ingram, Heart O' Texas Fair
Fair Game 299 - Suzanne Holcomb, Hillsborough County Fair
Fair Game 298 - Andrea Wiesenmeyer, Jerome County Fair
Fair Game 297 - Neal Snyder, Firefighter Training Show
Fair Game 296 - Courtney Cox, Adams County Fair
Courtney Cox is the Fair and Special Event Coordinator for the Adams County Fair in Brighton, Colorado. Like so many others she has a long history in the fair industry from the livestock ring to fair management. We talk about being a young fair manager during a pandemic and the similar challenges we each face with our names. Plus! Did you know both Courtney and I were Disney World cast members? We talk about all that and more on today’s show.
Fair Game 295 - Lisa Reiff, Michigan Association of Fairs & Exhibitions
Lisa Reiff has a long family history in the fair industry. That family history would eventually lead her to the Michigan Association of Fairs & Exhibitions where she is the executive director. In March of 2020 as the pandemic hit Lisa discovered things wouldn’t be all roses and flowers. (Listen to the show and you’ll understand). To learn more about the Michigan Association of Fairs visit