Fair Game Podcast

Fair Game 003: 10 Minutes Every University President Needs to Hear

Originally published March 20, 2018.

In February I spoke at my alma mater, Eastern New Mexico University. During the Q&A I had an exchange with a university staff member. I told him exactly why I, as an alumnus, had never given a penny in support of the university and how they could take that information and multiply their alumni and endowment support by 3x or more over the next 5-10 years.

In context, this was directed toward universities. Realistically it can absolutely apply to your business or brand as well. Enjoy!

Fair Game 002: Scott Tindle, Entreprenuer

Originally published May 19, 2018

On today's episode, I'm in Mobile, Alabama. I sit down at the historic fort for a discussion with Scott Tindle, former fair manager of the Greater Gulf State Fair and current CEO of Gulf Coast Ducks. We talk hospitality & tourism, the fair industry and duck boat tours. PLUS - the advice Dallas Mavericks owner Mark Cuban gave him during an appearance on Shark Tank.

Fair Game 001: Putting in the Work

Originally published March 18, 2018

During the 2017 Arizona Fairs Association Convention, I took a minute on my way to dinner to share my thoughts around people who have opinions about social media marketing while not actually being practitioners of the craft.

Specifically, I believe it's foolish for people to have an opinion around social media marketing when they've never deployed advertising in that space. If you're not a practitioner, please, skip having an opinion and instead download these apps and begin testing them out.

You'll never know how they work if you don't taste them.